Mystery Box
The BASEDODICI Mystery Boxes have just arrived.
They consist of a surprise package that will have secured a number of items or a value (in €) inside.
The probability of finding an item or another is not defined, the only thing that matters is that you never get lost this is guaranteed, in short if you buy 89 € of mystery box you will surely have at least 89 € of commercial value in items.
The mystery is not refundable nor subject to the possibility of exchange with other items, the only situation where BASEDODICI will change the item is for a damaged or non-compliant product as expressed by art. 128 and following of the consumer code.
They consist of a surprise package that will have secured a number of items or a value (in €) inside.
The probability of finding an item or another is not defined, the only thing that matters is that you never get lost this is guaranteed, in short if you buy 89 € of mystery box you will surely have at least 89 € of commercial value in items.
The mystery is not refundable nor subject to the possibility of exchange with other items, the only situation where BASEDODICI will change the item is for a damaged or non-compliant product as expressed by art. 128 and following of the consumer code.